
As last week headed to a close, it got quite dismal. Not only was the dreaded haze back in full force -- wrapping our little part of earth in a horrendously polluted atmosphere, a young man about to be married to his girlfriend (who is pregnant with their two-month-old) was found dead under very suspicious circumstances and in a very politically/racially charged climate.

I can't quite explain it but I find myself grieving the loss of this total stranger. I suppose it's not unlike how total strangers mourn the death of someone they can identify with, or whose death feels totally unnecessary and of such tragic nature.

Anyway, I should be able to get myself back into shape for a post before the week's out. In the meantime, let me leave you with this. A solar eclipse -- the longest in the 21st century -- will happen sometime on the 22nd. If you can figure out when it occurs at your time zone (I haven't explored this site which seems to be able to tell you), remember to check it out. It doesn't happen everyday. And life is definitely too short not to stop and smell the roses (or witness a solar eclipse)...

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