
Food and Us: Part 2

After reading the Guardian article (see previous post), I had to find out more about the good people of Rotherham and why they seemed so intent on eating bad food. I am not one to discount the comfort of an occasional Snickers bar or a late-night snack of instant noodle, but to allow junk food to win over a hot plate of rice and greens (you know what I mean) seemed like letting the devil in.

In case you didn't get to read the aforementioned article, here's the gist of what I felt was heartbreaking. Cafeterias were finally being told to dish out healthier servings to school children, but some parents were up in arms over the change and were instead hand-delivering unhealthy takeouts over the school fencing.

I was flabbergasted that parents, of all parties involved, were the ones not driving home the point to their school-going kids, that healthy eating means healthy living. As it turns out, there is a more forgiving side to the parents' story, which you'll find in this latest link.

My fourth click yielded this, which promptly brought the sun (no pun intended) out shining again. Call me an idealist, but I needed to believe that good will trump evil, and that campaigns with good intention will eventually produce some of its desired effects. And after reading "Peace in our Thyme", I felt like optimism has a place on earth after all.

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