
Healing Gifts by Hyggehouse

Nobody I know is recuperating from surgery. The only reason I'm posting this is because I like the suggestions on alternative gifts (as opposed to the usual bouquet of flowers) to consider for surgery-recovering patients by Alex Beauchamp of Hyggehouse

This is my favorite of her ideas:

Do a DVD/Magazine/Book run and have all that waiting for them at their house. If they’re into cooking, grab some unique and different cooking magazines. Do they love home? Stock up on all the latest. Pick some DVD’s to go with it and they can lay in bed and read and watch until their hearts content.

Lazy, thoughtless gift-ing has always been a pet peeve of mine. The motto is always to give from the heart and mind, and not just from the wallet. If no thought goes into the person on the receiving end, I'd rather skip it. And I'd rather others do the same for me. Just mah two-cents!

P/S: Boo-hoo, my ISP has not been my friend the past week, connection is very very poor. Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll sort itself out soon.

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