
The unfortunately-named dress


The minute I saw this dress on Lena Corwin's blog (big fan!), I loved it. It's by Vena Cava, apparently a beloved label to those in the loop. I'm not usually a dress kinda gal because I hate having to be all lady-like in skirts. I'm more of a bounding, leaping and sometimes even squatting (!) kinda gal, but that does not mean I don't like dresses, there's a time and place for it, is all.

I have a hard time figuring out why it's called a "Typhoid Dress" though, but power to them for being able to make something disturbing-sounding so desirable. :-)

Later, I came across a photo of the actress Kirsten Dunst wearing a version of it and realized that the lightness of the dress makes it a hard thing to pull off. So now, I'm not as hot for it anymore. Still, it's a pretty little number to look at, don't cha think?


image of dress via oaknyc.

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