
So it looks like cicak hasn't been cheeky so much as cicak has been absent. To be truthful, I just didn't feel like I have anything to add to blogland. Some days, I think that pretty much all there is to say is already said by someone somewhere sometime. And my take on that is, why add to it unless I really feel the need to. Right?

Anyhoo, popping back in here just to say hi, hope everybody's doing well and to let you know that I continue to update links I . I know I keep calling it blogland, but really, there are way more sites out there than can be defined. I love visiting some of them for the visual pleasure, others for the eye-opening reads, and yet others for some vague sense of company. Whatever you want to call the sites on the list (intentionally left un-categorized), they've never failed to serve me as a source of inspiration. I hope you find them the same too.

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blog disclaimer:

Please be advised that a couple of archived posts could be considered adult in the sense that it shows nudity, albeit minimally and in an artistic sense.