I don't know about you, but I feel I got bum-rushed into the year 2009. I was completely unprepared and the past month whizzed by so fast I almost had a whiplash :-p Anyway, this is belated and much delayed, but happy new year and may good things happen as we usher in the new year. And if by chance, the bad stuff falls upon us too, well... let's all keep in mind these things are random. Ok ok, I'll lay off the doom-ey gloomy thoughts.
To celebrate the occasion, I thought we can take a look at how "hoshigaki" is made. No, I'm serious. Hoshigaki is dried persimmon in Japanese and there is a great little animation illustrating how the sweet delicacies are made over at Otow Orchard.
Why hoshigaki, you ask? Why not is the smartypants answer. Seriously, I find I'm inevitably very appreciative of anything that can show processes (of any subject matter) in easy, understandable format. So, hope you enjoy the link as much as I did!
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