Ever since buying a copy of Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis at Forbidden Planet oh-so-many years ago, I've been an avid fan of hers. It's not just the graphics. (But seriously, have you seen her illustrations? 'nuff said) It's also her story – it's autobiographical and very relatable.
I don't like putting people up on a pedestal, especially people I only know of, but in terms of looking at personalities that inspire, hers is quite up there. Here is a woman with a voice and the relentless courage to make sure it's heard.
CulturePulp, a site by writer and comic artist Mike Russell, had a Q&A while she was in U.S. to promote her animated film based on both part one and two of her Persepolis books. I am not sure everyone will agree with her sentiments or the way she sees the world, but the interview makes for a good read, if only to see the world from a different perspective. My favorite part has to be where she says the divide of the world shouldn't be along the lines of races or religious beliefs but between the intelligent and the stupid. I interpret stupid to mean people who willfully stay ignorant, who, in my opinion, are a dangerous breed but rarely recognized as such. You can read the interview here.
The read is on the lengthy side, shorter illustrated version here :-) Alternately, you can read more here.
I cannot close this post without also mentioning Maus by Art Spiegelman, an iconic book in its own right and my introduction into the world of graphic novels, except his isn't so much a "novel" as it is the telling of one man's experience of the Holocaust, that man being his father. The book has to be a post by itself.
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